Wednesday, May 16, 2012


As readers of this blog will know time isn't something I have a lot of at the moment. Those that know me personally will know even more how much this is true. Today however is special, I'm ahead of my retraining coursework and I don't have to be in job no.2 today so today I have time.

I am using the day to get on with some writing and blitz through some edits. Hopefully by the end of the day I will have progressed on a number of stories and a book that I've been contracted for (not a Nicole book however so I won't go into details on here). 

Last night I made a list of all the stories that I have available to be sent out so today I might end up focusing on some of them trying to get them sorted. Whichever I end up doing I'm going to enjoy the time I have, I know how precious it is.

I have to admit I am lucky in that I like all the things I do as work, sometimes so much so I can't beleive I actually get to do them. Yet whatever happens I must keep in mind that at the end of the day it is a job and I need to put the hours in to make it worthwhile otherwise it just becomes a hobby. 

So here's to time and using it in the best possible way - writing.

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