Sunday, November 4, 2007

First few days of November and a Sweat update

It's the first few days into November and autumn has got it's grip on the country. We went for a walk today and the trees were all in full autumn colours. I collected some leaves which I'm planning on using for a series of cards and paintings although I'll have to find some time to do that!

The writings been going well I've finished another short story yesterday after being ill for the past week hopefully it will be sent out tomorrow. Since that's done I'm now about to start my next piece and am currently sat with a guide book of Paris in front of me. I've not been so this is the next best thing!

The 70 days of sweat is going well, it's been just under three weeks now and my word count is approximately just over 20,000 words which works out to be just under 100o words a day. I've got a clearer idea in my mind now of the projects I'm wanting to work on for the next month or so and I'm even trying to only work on one at a time something I've not attempted before. I'll let you all know how it goes!

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